A MUM served up cooked rice from a supermarket to her son - only to find it contained dead insects.

Susan Hall quickly whipped away the dish from four-year-old Luke when he began screaming, but not in time to stop him swallowing some of the creepy crawlies.

The 41-year-old, of Gateshead, is now demanding an explanation from Sainsbury’s, where she bought the contaminated rice she served up with curry for her son.

She said: “It actually makes me feel a bit sick.

“I just didn’t spot them when I put the rice on to boil.

"You just don’t expect it from a trusted supermarket like Sainsbury’s."

Luke has been fine since he swallowed the insects, and two of the three infested packs his mother bought have since been returned to Sainsbury’s for testing.

A Sainsbury’s spokesman said: “We sell hundred of thousands of packets of rice every week, and this is an extremely rare occurrence.

“We are urgently investigating this situation, and we apologise to Ms Hall for any distress this has caused.”