BUSINESSES and individuals could be offered some assistance in making their money go further as the economic downturn bites.

Councillors in the Hambleton area are looking at a number of schemes to try and help people through the recession.

Car-park charges are to be introduced in the district in October but the authority is to consult on a three-week holiday from them over the Christmas period.

Members have also agreed to bring forward spending of almost £300,000 to give local firms the chance to bid for extra work.

And now they have instructed council officers to look at a rate relief scheme for small businesses in rural communities.

Council leader Arthur Barker said: "We are monitoring the effects of the downturn on Hambleton.

"Unemployment rates are rising as are benefit claims, yet other indicators are staying very static."

He added: "We have pledged to do as much as we can for the economy in Hambleton and one of the ways we can look to help is to develop a rate relief scheme for small businesses."

Because of statutory limitations such a scheme could only affect businesses with a rateable value below £14,000 and serving populations of less than 3,000.

However it could add more than £200,000 to the local economy using grant money received by the council this year.

Town councils and chambers of trade across the district will be consulted on the proposals for the Christmas free parking period.