HISTORY seeking families have unearthed long lost relatives as the County Records Office opened its doors to visitors.

The North Yorkshire County Records Office saw over 200 people tour the facilities at a recent open day.

On view were the conservation studio, where paper and parchment documents are expertly repaired, and the equipment to create images of them.

The visitors saw the technology and support on offer to help trace family trees and to look into local history.

People from across the UK visited the office, in Northallerton, including one group who travelled from Staffordshire in search of their roots.

They found two whole generations of family that they never even knew existed.

County councillor Chris Metcalfe, executive member for adult and community services, said: "Our County Records Office is a fantastic resource.

"It is equipped not only with the most up-to-date technology, but also with a skilled and dedicated team of experts to make sure it’s used to its best advantage."

Tens of millions of documents have been placed in the records office by North Yorkshire families and organisations.

The records there are made available to visitors from around the world researching history and family trees.

Stephen Allen, the County Records office’s conservator, who retired at the end of March after 18 years service, was on hand too.