PLANS to build three wind turbines are to go on public display.

Communications firm BT wants to create a wind farm at Junction House, north of Durham Lane, in Easington, County Durham.

Residents can find out more and have their say on the scheme during two exhibitions to be held next week.

They will be held in the parish office, Seaton Holme, Hall Walks, Easington Village, on Friday, April 17, between 12pm and 6pm, and at the Hazelwell Centre, Windsor Terrace, Haswell, on Saturday, April 18, between 10am and 1pm.

Andy Riley, from BT, said: "A site on private land at Junction House has been identified as a potential location for a wind power development. We are currently investigating its suitability.

"These exhibitions are an important part of BT liaising fully with the local community to ensure this project is in keeping with the company’s strong reputation as an environmentally responsible company.

"Experts will be available to talk about the project and hear people’s views.

"BT is one of the UK’s largest consumers of electricity and we are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and securing our future green power supplies.

"Since 1996 we have reduced our UK carbon footprint by 60 per cent and aim to achieve 80 per cent by 2016.

"Our wind energy plans are an important part of achieving that target."