A SHARP rise in the number of burglaries in an east Durham community has prompted a police campaign to encourage people to make their homes more secure.

In the twelve months up to January 2009 there were 347 recorded break-ins to houses and outbuildings in Peterlee, compared to 276 for the same period ending January 2008 – a rise of more than 25 per cent.

While offences in the rest of the Easington district have remained steady, the figures for Peterlee have led to a number of measures being drawn up to stall and reverse the trend. And with warmer weather on the way, crime prevention officers are appealing to residents to be vigilant and alert to any weaknesses which may attract criminals.

The warning coincides with a national campaign being launched by the Home Office today.

Officers are urging residents not to let their outbuildings turn into a "burglar’s tool box" or give them a means of access by using tools or implements left lying around.

Another increasingly common tactic occurs when a vehicle, rather than the property, is the main target. If they are after the car keys the crooks sometimes push a fishing rod or similar device through the letter box to grab the keys from the hallway, porch or windowsill.

Police are now planning a range of measures to foil the crooks, including a crime prevention stand at the Asda store in Peterlee town centre.

Over the Christmas period around 10,000 crime prevention packs were delivered to homes in the Peterlee area and details given of an offer under which residents could apply for a free door alerter and alarm; a small number of shed alarms are also still available .

In neighbouring Seaham, where the warming weather has seen a spate of sneak-in thefts, police have produced crime prevention leaflets advising people to keep their windows and doors closed and locked.

Police were out today distributing the leaflets in the town. Residents living in east Durham can get advice on crime prevention measures by calling 0345-60-60-365, ext 670 2614.

Anyone willing to be more active, by volunteering to become a co-ordinator for a Neighbourhood Watch scheme can contact Anne Ward, Community Liaison Officer on 0191-375 2617.