A RELIGIOUS parade in a North-East town with historic links to Christianity is to take place over the weekend.

Easter in Chester-le-Street will combine religious reflection, with a creative celebration of song and dance.

The local Christian community, represented by Churches Together in Chester-le-Street, will come together in the town's Civic Heart for a March of witness on Good Friday.

Representatives from the various Christian faiths will meet at 11am at St. Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church on Ropery Lane, and process down the Front Street to the Civic Heart where a special Good Friday service will be held.

The festival was under threat two years ago because fears about road safety but will ahead this year with supervision from six special police constables providing rolling road closures when necessary.

The Salvation Army Band will be there to add to support and enhance the service, and to lead the many voices that will be gathered to celebrate in the spirit of Easter.

On Saturday the atmosphere will become more noisy and family focused.

The fun will start at 12.30pm when Chester-le-Street's town crier, Marjorie Dodds, announces details of the afternoon's entertainments.

The list of performers includes traditional African gumboot dancers, Peruvian band APU, the Ukulele All-star Orchestra, Antonio Lulic, award winning street hip-hop dancers 'Bad Taste Crew', and much more.

There will also be a range of fun activities for all to take part in such as face-painting, a junk music workshop creating musical instruments from recyclable materials as well as a miniature pony and trap.