PICTURE of the Queen is wowing visitors to a sweet shop in one of the region’s market towns.

Customers at Bah Humbugs, in Masham, North Yorkshire, are being greeted by a four feet square portrait of the monarch made with thousands of jelly beans.

The portrait is the property of sweet manufacturer Jelly Bellys, and is on loan to the independent sweet shop, which recently moved into the Market Place.

Owner Lucy Paul Scott said: “We put the artwork up at the weekend and it’s been getting a lot of positive comments. Jelly Bellys loaned us a portrait of Elvis Presley, which was also made out of jelly beans, a couple of years ago.

“We wanted something to promote our move, so I asked Jelly Bellys if we could borrow it again.

Unfortunately, it was on display elsewhere, so we couldn’t have it.

“They had a Paul O’Grady jelly bean portrait or one of the Queen.

We went with the Queen and here she is.”

Bah Humbugs is a traditional sweet shop, which sells 200 varieties of treats.