A POLICEMAN who ran down and killed a 16-year-old schoolgirl was driving so fast he had effectively become a passenger in his own car, a court heard today.

Police advanced driver Pc John Dougal had surrendered ''to physics'' whether he would be able to stop in time in an emergency, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

The 41-year-old was driving at more than three times the 30mph speed limit immediately before his high powered Volvo patrol car hit Hayley Adamson, killing her instantly, the court heard.

The Sacred Heart High School pupil, of Cedar Road, Fenham, Newcastle, stepped into the path of his car on Denton Road in Newcastle's west end on May 19 last year.

Pc Dougal, who denies causing death by dangerous driving, was attempting to catch up with a Renault Megane car which triggered his car's automatic number plate recognition system.

The alert turned out to be a false alarm.

Retired police inspector and police driving standards expert Gordon Robertson told the court he ''could not imagine'' a situation where Pc Dougal should have accelerated to more than 90mph, without activating his blue lights or siren, as he was about to enter a built up residential area.

He said that for the Northumbria Police traffic officer to have done so meant his training had failed.

Asked by prosecutor Andrew Dallas whether Pc Dougal's training meant he could handle the marked Volvo B70SET5 estate patrol car at such a speed, Mr Robertson said: ''There was significant danger.

''As far as driver skills go; if you propel a vehicle at a speed of that magnitude you reach a point where physics decides if you can stop it and not you.

''Sadly, on this occasion it appears that was so.

''There are dangers to driving fast and sometimes there can be justification for a good degree of risk.

''There can never be a justification for the ultimate risk - to drive to the point where you effectively become a passenger in a car you are supposed to be driving.''

He said as the Volvo accelerated up the hill towards where Hayley and her friends were standing by the side of the road, it was going too fast to be stopped in time.

He said even if the driver of the Renault Megane had been a hardened criminal attempting to get away from the pursuing patrol car, Pc Dougal's actions could not be excused.

He rejected the suggestion it was sheer chance Hayley had stepped in front of the car, making an accident inevitable.

''People make mistakes, but the idea that there is chance involved in driving a tonne and a half of police patrol car through a residential area is something that I just don't accept at all,'' he said.

''When an officer decides that they are going to use their lawful legal exemption from the speed limit it must be forefront in their minds what type of road they are on.

''You do not just automatically view every road as if it was a national speed limit road over the fells in the middle of nowhere. It never becomes irrelevant.

''Once a driver allows a vehicle to travel at a speed at which it's physically impossible for that car to stop in the distance he can see to be clear is the point at which their training has failed.

''The training is there to make sure you never get into that situation.''

He told the jury of four men and eight women that Pc Dougal's decision to accelerate to more than 90mph in pursuit of the Renault Megane was disproportionate.

''You always have to ask yourself what am I doing, why am I doing it, and are they in proportion with each other?

''There comes a point where what you are doing becomes a much greater risk to the public than why you are doing it.''

Asked whether he considered driving at 90mph on a road with a 30mph limit to be a high speed he said: ''I consider it to be a high speed.

''I find it difficult to imagine a set of circumstances where an individual chose to use such a degree of speed and not use his warning equipment.''

The trial continues tomorrow.