AN email has just arrived with an update on Harvey Gaydon, the Darlington 14-year-old who is having a bone marrow transplant.

Harvey's mum Caroline says in her email that Harvey had the transplant last Friday and he is now doing well.

Harvey, who is suffering from leukaemia, initially had a bad reaction to a drug used to wipe out his immune system before the transplant.

Caroline says: "He is very tired at the moment, which is expected after the eight doses of radiotherapy on top of the chemotherapy he received last week.

"Nevertheless, he has an amazing attitude towards the whole procedure. He is really focussed on doing what is necessary to get through this and back home."

Caroline asks that friends stay in touch as "it is a real help knowing you are out there, thinking of us in here".

Harvey, a pupil at Hummersknott School, now faces up to eight weeks in an isolation unit.

* Please leave your messages for Harvey and I'll make sure he sees them.