OLYMPIC bronze medal winning boxer Tony Jeffries won a race against a 109-year-old tram as he launched a campaign to promote exercising outside.

The North-East fighter took part in the challenge at Beamish Museum to encourage people to exercise outdoors in the region's beauty spots.

The Sunderland-born boxer did a mile long sprint from the museum entrance, past Pockerley Manor, and into the main street of the historic town.

He said: "I didn't think I was going to win.

"I started out fast ahead of it buit it started catching me and I was knackered.

"But then it slowed down on the bend and I kept up my pace and ended up beating it.

"It would have been a bit embrarrassing losnig out to a tram that is 109 years old."

The race officially launched County Durham's first-ever Outdoor and Active Week in which twelve free and subsidised events taking place across the county from April 13-16.

County Durham Tourism Partnership is offering people the chance to enjoy free mountain bike hire at Hamsterley Forest, join guided walks in the Durham Dales and along the Durham Heritage Coast, and try new sports at clubs, museums, parks and gardens.

Melanie Sensicle, chief executive of County Durham Tourism Partnership, said: "Outdoor and Active Week is our way of highlighting how our beautiful landscapes, countryside, parks and gardens offer year-round opportunities to get outdoors, burn calories and enjoy time with friends and families."

The week was organised after research revealed that more than a quarter of North East residents rarely explore their own region and only half do so "on occasion."

For more information and details of events in Outdoor and Active Week, visit: www.visitcountydurham.com/site/outdoor-and-active/outdoor-and-active-week