THE Archbishop of York will be baptising Christians from different denominations on Easter Saturday.

Ten people from local churches will be baptised outside the West End of York Minster by being totally immersed in a large tank of water.

The service of baptism has been organised by One Voice York, a network of Christian churches and leaders of different denominations working together across the city.

Dr John Sentamu will baptise the ten while the Joint Chair of One Voice York, Graham Hutchinson, will ask each person and all those watching to affirm their faith before the baptisms.

Mr Hutchinson said: "Baptism is a symbol of death and new life, and it’s especially important at Easter, when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ."

He added: "These baptisms are a public sign of commitment to a new way of life, so it’s a brave step to take, especially outdoors in a Yorkshire spring.

"We expect hundreds of people from different churches to come and watch, and everybody is welcome."