ARMED robbers threatened two security guards outside a convenience shop before making off with thousands of pounds in cash.

Two men, believed to be armed with a hand gun, struck in the car park outside the Co-op store, in Bader Avenue, Thornaby, near Stockton, at around 7.55am this morning.

It is believe the robbers made off with around £2,000.

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said: "A security guard was threatened by two men who then stole a substantial amount of cash from him and made off.

"It's believed that a handgun was used to threaten the security guard but no shots were believed to be fired."

A shop worker said: "We heard about what was happening when a customer came in. They didn't come in here but it has shaken us up a bit.

"We went out to see if the men were alright. They were bringing change for us when it happened."