A GURKHA based in the region has raised thousands of pounds to build a school in his home village in Nepal.

Colour Sergeant Jai Bahadur Dura Gurung, who is based at Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, joined the British Army in 1993 and regularly sends money to Nepal to fund community projects, including sports fields and clubs.

He has run several marathons and taken part in three 100km treks. The school, called the Friends Academy, was set up in 2007 in the village of Dura Danda, in the Lamjung region, and now has 88 pupils aged five to ten.

Colour Sgt Gurung said: “Nepal is a very poor country, and many schools cannot afford to stay open.

“Anyone who wants to leave to find a better job needs a good education and the ability to speak English.

“I wanted to do something to help these people, and it is really not that expensive to set up a school in Nepal. A teacher only earns about £50 per month, and the school itself cost no more than £1,000.

“Over the next ten years, I hope to raise enough money to increase the number of classes in the school, so that we can take older pupils and give them the equivalent of GCSEs.”

To donate, email jai_dura@yahoo.com