STAFF at an animal sanctuary have urged people to think twice before buying pet rabbits, following a rise in the number of abandoned animals.

Gwen Butler, who runs Bunny Burrows in Richmond, North Yorkshire, says the credit crunch has led to a rise in admissions to the sanctuary as people cut costs.

She said highly soughtafter giant rabbits, which can grow to 4ft long, have been among the worst affected.

At the sanctuary’s eighth annual Hot Cross Bunnies open event, in Richmond, at the weekend, residents got the chance to meet some giant rabbits.

Mrs Butler said: “People buy giant rabbits when they are babies, not realising how big they are going to grow.

“In the 13 years I have run the sanctuary I’ve had eight admissions of giant rabbits, and seven of those have been in the past year.

She added: “It’s not just the giants that are affected.

With the credit crunch, people are having to move out of their homes because they can’t pay the mortgage and into rented accommodation, where they are not allowed pets.

“It’s very sad, and I would urge people to think extremely carefully before buying any pet.”

Meanwhile, Mrs Butler said the open event, which raises cash for the sanctuary, had been a great success.

For more details about Bunny Burrows, visit