CHILDREN in a North-East town know exactly where to go when they need a safe place to play - they catch a bus.

A red single decker newly kitted out as a mobile gym is touring estates in Newton Aycliffe to encourage youngsters to be more active.

On board the bus, called ‘Cool Young Jim’ by the children, youth workers and volunteers supervise them while they play, paint or draw and learn about healthy eating and keeping fit.

Councillor Dorothy Bowman holds an HGV licence and drives the bus, which is the second she has obtained since she helped set up a Junior Neighbourhood Watch group nine years ago.

The first, a double decker, was sold when the group moved into a permanent centre in Silverdale Place but the children asked for another.

The centre still opens on Sundays and Thursdays but the bus offers a wider variety of activities.

Youth worker Michelle Wood said: "We know we are making a difference. The police have told us what we are doing is having a massive impact on the community.

"It is making everybody’s lives better, the kids are happier and there is less anti social behaviour for residents."

Mrs Bowman said: "We teach children respect for themselves and for others and get them accustomed to healthy eating and being active.

through exercising and playing games."

The town’s MP Phil Wilson went on board for the launch on Saturday.

He said: "This is a first class idea and initiative to get the kids enjoying keeping fit and using a gymnasium.

"It gets them away from sitting in front of their computer screens and TV. It also very importantly educates them in healthy eating ways.

"It is vital that we get the young to think about exercise and a healthy life style for their future well being."

The group are self financing hold events such as MC nights and discos to cover expenses.