WHEN Jasvinder Sanghera fled her family home to escape a forced marriage she sought refuge in the North-East.

Tomorrow she returns to the region to officially launch her second book, Daughters of Shame, highlighting the desperate plight of women and men faced with marrying against their will.

Following the launch of her new book at the Live Theatre in Newcastle, Jasvinder will stay on in the region to firm up plans for the foundation of a North East office of her Karma Nirvana charity, a key partner of the Forced Marriage Unit.

It was when one of her older sisters, Robina, died after setting herself on fire to escape an unhappy marriage, that Jasvinder, founded the charity and began to uncover just how many terrified victims existed across Britain.

Each year it is estimated that thousands of people are forced into marriages against their will - many of these in the North-East.

It was in a bid to offer help to victims in the region that the charity's Choice helpline was set up by officers in the Cleveland Force area, in November 2007 which quickly revealed the extent of the problem locally.

Working closely with the police and other agencies Jasvinder, who lives in Derby, told The Northern Echo: "We are now planning to open a North-East base and will shortly be holding specialised training sessions to recruit staff for the office.

"Sadly I am now completely cut off from my family but am more determined than ever to help those facing the terrifying prospect of being driven into forced marriages, often at a very young age.''

Her head-on confrontation with the issue has seen her battle fiercely against a shroud of secrecy erected in the Asian community to give women, particularly those facing language and cultural barriers, the courage, support and life skills to help themselves out of danger.

Her memoirs which were recounted in her first book Shame, had an enormous impact on others and resulted in many contacting Karma Nirvana for help and advice.

And tomorrow she will officially launch her second book, Daughters of Shame, which tells the moving stories of other victims and how she has inspired many to join her in her very public campaign.

The Choice helpline can be contacted on 0800 599365 and the Karma Nirvana helpline on 0800 5999247.