A Wear Valley partnership is running out of cash casting doubt on jobs and popular community events.

The three staff at Crook Community Partnership have been told their contracts end in March after the lottery funding which pays their wages dried up.

The partnership, set up in 1992, organises the Christmas lights, Crook in Bloom, the Out of This World hobby event and a St George’s Day party.

It is not likely celebrations will go ahead unless funding or outside help is found.

The partnership made the tough decision to spend their final reserves renting the central Hope Street office rather than keep staff.

Chairman Andrew Hall said: “We have to keep the building going.

“Our primary concern is having a presence in the main street and we have to have somewhere to meet.”

Volunteers will man the office in the hope the unitary authority, due to take over in March, can offer more funding in the future.

Chairman Andrew Hall, however, said they can only afford it for a year.

In a bid to generate money the partnership base was re-branded The Hive in May, using amber and black - the old Crook Town FC colours.

Their attempts have so far failed and the Crook Detached Youth Group, also run by the partnership, has also been draining resources since funding ended in April. The news has led to fresh calls for signatures for the Crook Town Council petition, which stands at around 750 - 150 short of target.

Fears are spreading Crook won’t have a voice on its Area Action Partnership - groups made up of councillors and community leaders to influence decisions made by the unitary authority.

Mr Hall said: “There will be nothing here to solely represent the town. “Tow Law and Willington have a town council but the councillors representing Crook will have to keep wearing different hats.”

The creation of a town council would also allow the partnership to access new funding. Jean Cowing, chairperson of the Crook Town Council Steering Group, said: “The apathy in Crook is disgusting.

“We must have a town council. When the unitary authority comes in we will be left out in the cold.”

For more information contact The Hive on 01388-765927 or email crookcp@gmail.com.

 Crook Carnival will not be affected by the partnership’s funding crisis.