A LOCAL MP has voiced concern over the rising number of people declared bankrupt nationally over the last ten years.

Anne McIntosh, the Conservative Vale of York MP, has raised the issue after obtaining figures showing the alarming trend.

Her figures show a three-fold increase in the number of individual insolvencies in England and Wales between 2000 and 2007.

The prospective parliamentary candidate for the Thirsk and Malton seat claims 2007 saw more individual insolvencies than any other year on record.

She said: "I am deeply concerned by these figures.

"This Government has overseen a huge rise in irresponsible spending, the acquisition of bad loans, and encouraged high-risk investment, and this is reflected in the increase in the number of individual insolvencies since the year 2000.

"The rise of insolvencies prior to 2007 shows that the Government’s economic policy was coming apart before the banking crisis took hold and that the recession has its roots in mismanagement at home as well as the global situation.

"Confidence in the economy will only return when the British people have confidence in their political leaders."