A MASTERPLAN to preserve and develop Darlington’s playing fields and sport facilities is being created.

Residents are being asked their views on the future provision of leisure facilities in the town to help Darlington Borough Council come up with a strategy to help with future planning.

A questionnaire has been sent to 5,000 randomly selected households in the borough to help produce a Sport and Physical Activity Facilities Strategy and Playing Pitch Strategy.

Once adopted, the strategies will be taken into consideration when future planning policy is being drawn up and when decisions are being made on where to build new facilities or to improve existing ones.

The documents will also be used to help assess the merits of planning applications which could affect sports facilities.

Looking at all sports venues, the plans will examine the demand for facilities, how accessible they are, what is provided and what range of sports can take place at each venue.

They will identify areas of the borough where there are no facilities or where improvements would be beneficial to the community.

Andy Scott, the council's cabinet member for health and leisure, said: "These new plans will bring together information on these facilities so we are aware of what is on offer and how well it is used. This will ensure that when new developments are planned, sporting facilities can be provided in the places where they will benefit the most people.

"We want to hear people's views before these strategies are drawn up so they can truly represent what residents want."