Darlington Amateur Swimming Club (DASC) is enjoying a double celebration having recently been awarded Swim 21 Accreditation for both Swimming and Diving. Darlington is the first club in the North East to get the Swim 21 award for two aquatic disciplines and to mark the occasion the certificates were presented to the club by Leon Taylor, GB Diving Silver Medallist in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

Club Chairman Roy Rossington said, “Darlington Swimming Club has a fantastic history going all the way back to 1882 when it was first formed. We are proud of the club’s traditions, but are also keen to move the club forward, providing all our current swimmers and divers with the opportunity to enjoy, improve and excel at their chosen sport. The club has been through very difficult times recently but last year with a lot of help from the Amateur Swimming Association, Tees Valley Sport and Darlington Borough Council we secured the services of Fiona Miller as Head Coach, and along with Head Diving Coach Steve Jackson we set about making a lot of changes. These have been painful at times, but the results can be seen in terms of increased membership, increased volunteer involvement, a significant programme of training for coaches and volunteers, and, most pleasing of all, a steady improvement in competitive performances by the developing squads. I would like to thank everyone involved with the club for the past 12 months of hard work (not to mention a few tears) and a very special thank you to Jane Roche of Tees Valley Sport for her professional support and tireless enthusiasm. I think it has all been made worthwhile with the award of the Swim 21 Accreditation here today by Leon Taylor.”

Leon took time out of his busy schedule to make the presentation and then talk to the swimmers, divers, coaches, parents and committee members to explain the importance of getting the best training and coaching available and to encourage every athlete to achieve their full potential. Everyone got the chance to try on the coveted Olympic Silver Medal and to chat on poolside with this superstar of the diving world. Leon said, “I spend a lot of time visiting clubs all over the country encouraging young athletes and talking to the coaches and volunteers that work so hard with the swimmers and divers. I never know if I am talking to the next Olympic Champion and with every club that reaches Swim 21 standards our chances of producing those special people who go on to become elite athletes increases.”

Fiona Miller said, “Swim 21 accreditation is essential for all swimming and diving clubs these days. It ensures that the club is being managed to a nationally recognised standard, that the training is being delivered safely by suitably qualified staff who are regularly updated with the latest methods and that the club is working within the ASA structure for Long Term Athlete Development,”

If you want to know more about Darlington Amateur Swimming Club visit the club web site on www.dare-asc.co.uk or call in at our club night every Tuesday at the Dolphin Centre from 6:00pm till 9:00pm.