Heighington`s St. Michael`s parish church tower restoration approaches completion after several months` work. The Norman tower`s clock faces were removed for refurbishment revealing major large cracks requiring repair. This was additional to the repointing of the church tower and porch and South front of the church. On completion a cost in excess of £60,000 will be required, with nearly half covered by grants. Parishioners, both worshippers and village residemts, are asked to make generous contributions towards the remainder. An annual budget of £50,000 is already required for the routine life of the church.Our community feels pride in the heritage of possessing the finest and most complete Norman tower in North East England.

The annual Parish Gift Day service will be held on Sunday 28th. September when the guest preacher at the 10am. service will be Bishop Stephen Sykes. Our Vicar, The Rev. Canon Dr. Philip Thomas, will be grateful to receive Gift Day envelopes, which have already been distributed in our community.