A TEENAGER who wrote-off three cars during a drunken joyride has been spared jail.

Lee Emms stole a Peugeot car in the early hours of New Year's Day and drove it repeatedly around Falmouth Drive, a circular street in Jarrow, South Tyneside.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the 19-year-old, who was twice over the drink-drive limit, wrote-off the stolen Peugeot as well as a Micra worth £4,700 and an Astra which were parked in the street.

He also caused damage to wing mirrors on two other motors and knocked a dent into a transit van.

Defence barrister Ailsa MacDonald said Emms has now found work and hopes to settle down with his girlfriend, who is expecting his baby.

Judge Tony Lancaster sentenced Emms to 10 months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months, with supervision.

He was banned from driving for two years.

The judge told him: "Fortunately there is no evidence of any injury to a person who may have been around at the time.

"You certainly caued a lot of damage to the owners of the vehicles, you managed to write off three of them in the course of your activity."

Emms, of Trinity Walk, South Shields, admitted aggravated vehicle taking, driving with excess alcohol, having no insurance and no licence.