Residents in a County Durham town have been warned about fly-tipping.

Durham County Council has placed yellow warning signs on allegedly dumped items in back streets in Consett.

In a post on Facebook, the council's neighbourhood warden's north team said: "Warning letters have been issued to residents in the Consett area yesterday after reports of multiple fly tips in the back streets.

"Our bin crew will not take any side waste, all waste must be presented in a waste receptacle."

Fly-tipping is a criminal offence under section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Offenders can be given a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice for small-scale fly-tipping.

In serious cases, prosecution in Court can end in either a fine of up to £50,000, or 12 months imprisonment.

(Image: Durham County Council) Most read

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If members of the public see anyone fly tipping, or spot fly tipped rubbish, Durham County Council suggest that these are reported by calling 03000 260 000 or via

If this is blocking a road or in a dangerous place, the council recommend contacting the police on 999 or 101.

For information on bulky waste collections please visit

Please visit for more information on fly tipping.