Further details on plans to transform the Northgate area of Darlington - including a proposed timeline for new housing - have been revealed. 

An outline application for a mixed-use development including up to 205 homes has been submitted for the site near Gladstone Street. A mix of townhouses and apartments is proposed alongside assisted care and specialist living accommodation.

It is hoped the regeneration will create a new “gateway” into Darlington town centre from Northgate.

Darlington Borough Council said: “The redevelopment of this part of the town is considered to have the potential to have a transformative impact on the Northgate area of the town which has become separated from the town centre to the south. 

How the new mixed-use development could look How the new mixed-use development could look (Image: ELG Planning)

“The site is a key part of the Northgate area and is a regeneration project which is fundamental to the town's wider regeneration strategy.”

Development Zone A (Kendrew Street Car Park West) 

This area consists of the Kendrew Street Car Park West and the Conservative Club. It is envisaged that this area of the scheme will have new three-storey residential accommodation and commercial units. 

“Given that Kendrew Street is likely to be a key route north to south, it may be desirable to have some commercial uses on the ground floor if there is demand for a small commercial unit,” a planning statement detailed. 

“It is considered that at least some of the scheme should face out onto the North-South link through Kendrew Street to increase natural surveillance and help to create a welcoming safe route between North Lodge Park and the town centre.”

Separate plans have been submitted to convert Dr Piper House into apartments, which borders Kendrew Street West.

Development Zone B (Kendrew Street Car Park East)

This area is currently also used as a council-owned car park but is described as often sparsely used. 

The planning statement read: “It is considered that this area is most likely to be residential although could potentially incorporate a residential institution subject to demand. 

“It is envisaged that the density of this area will be slightly higher than Zone A. The scheme may take up to 35 units, much will of course depend on the scale of the units proposed which will be driven by demand.”

Again, three-storey accommodation blocks are proposed for this area. 

Development Zone C (Northgate East)

This area contains several businesses, restaurants, and hot food takeaways. 

The council said: “It is envisaged that for a development of this area to succeed, it will be reliant on the demolition of Northgate House which is in a poor state of repair, has a detrimental impact on the surrounding buildings and is currently a hub for anti-social behaviour.”

Council officials remain in talks with the building’s owners to acquire the site.  

Plans for the future of Zone C are seen as the most flexible, given the several different opportunities for the area. Up to 65 residential units have been proposed. 

The statement added: “It is considered that a suitable scheme would range between four to five stories. While it is desirable from a design perspective to have a strong presence facing onto the roundabout, the heritage sensitivities mean that any additional increase in scale and mass should be set back further from the primary facade of the former technical college.”

Zone C may also be suitable for a range of other uses including offices, recreation, medical services, learning or community uses.

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The Darlington Bottling Company LD building and the Temperance Institute, located on Gladstone Street, are considered as ‘Non-Designated Heritage Assets’.

The council said: “A suitable scheme for Development Zone C may include the retention of a number of the existing buildings and businesses subject to further consultation. Equally, with the exception of the removal of the Temperance Institute (which would need further justification), the buildings on this parcel of land could be demolished along with Northgate House which will need to be demolished to facilitate the redevelopment of this key development site.”

In terms of delivering the plans, zones A and B would be prioritised within the first phase, with Zone C at a later date “given the relative complexities of delivering that part of the scheme”.