A cocaine addict used a knife to commit an armed robbery just weeks after he was arrested when he stuck a blade towards a woman’s throat during a failed robbery.

Vaughan Donachie realised his life was spiralling out of control and handed himself into the police after threatening a shop worker with a knife before stealing cigarettes.

The 34-year-old’s voice was recognised by the staff member who quickly activated the panic alarm.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Donachie had already been arrested for an attempted robbery when he was disturbed after breaking into a family home.

Jonathan Gittins, prosecuting, said the victim was at home with her four children sleeping upstairs when she heard a bang downstairs and went to investigate.

He said the defendant stuck the knife in the woman’s face before demanding money leaving the victim terrified.

The court heard how she managed to persuade him to go outside with her before she ran off screaming for help.

Dealing with the robbery at the Best One Shop in Thornaby, Mr Gittins said: “A male, dressed all in black and wearing a balaclava, entered the shop and tried to access the till area. He was carrying a knife and making demands for the till to be opened.

“She recognised the voice as that of the defendant and activated the panic alarm.”

Vaughan DonachieVaughan Donachie (Image: Cleveland Police)

Donachie, of Roseberry View, Thornaby, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and possession of a knife from May 13 and robbery and possession of a knife from September 12.

Nicci Horton, mitigating, said her client realised his life was unravelling due to his cocaine addiction following the robbery and handed himself into police.

“These robberies are completely out of character for him,” she said. “He had some personal issues and was dealing with those by taking cocaine. His cocaine usage became out of control thus leading to these offences.”

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Judge Jonathan Carroll sentenced Donachie to a total of nine years and nine months for all offences.

“She confronted you and you pulled out a knife, threatened her, demanded a substantial quantity of cash – pointing that cash at her throat,” he said.

“This is undoubtedly a serious offence.”

Addressing the robbery, the judge added: “You entered wearing a balaclava all dressed in black and carrying a substantial knife. You attempted to rob the till and the victim immediately recognised your voice and knew it was you.”