A man has been sentenced after he assaulted two men before being physically and verbally racially abusive towards a police officer.

Police attended a reported assault on York Road, Hartlepool, on Saturday, October 19, when Ryan Bennett had punched and bitten a man whilst making threats.

He then punched another man who was trying to prevent him from entering a vape store. 

After gaining entry to the store, Bennett threw stock across the premises, smashing a glass cabinet, completely breaking a laptop.

Upon his arrest, Bennett was taken to hospital for medical treatment where he was continually racially abusive towards a police officer, before spitting at the officer and kicking out at his chest.

Ryan Bennett, aged 20, of Mullroy Road in Hartlepool, was charged with two counts of criminal damage; two counts of common assaults; assault by beating of an emergency worker; public order and racially aggravated harassment towards a police officer.

He was sentenced to a two-month custodial sentence, suspended for twelve months at Teesside Magistrates Court on Monday, October 21. He also received a rehabilitation order.

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Hartlepool Response Chief Inspector Jamie Bell said: “Ryan Bennett not only assaulted two members of the public and damaged a shop, he then went on to be physically and verbally abusive towards an officer who was just doing his job.

“None of our officers come to work to be physically or verbally assaulted. In Cleveland we have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crimes and assaults on our officers.

“Those who think it’s acceptable to behave in this manner will be put before the courts to answer for their actions.”