A shop which suffered around £39,000 worth of damage and stolen stock in the summer riots has now re-opened for business.

VapeLocal.com at the Bridges had only been open for a month when it fell foul of the riot which took place in August, with its windows smashed and rioters causing a huge amount of damage, along with stealing £25,000 worth of stock.

But now it’s back to business, with the company which owns the store having made good all the damage and also using the opportunity to introduce some new look displays.

Jackie Reed, head of quality and compliance at the store said that the shop had barely opened up before “virtually everything was destroyed.”

“The shop had only been open for four weeks before the violence occurred,” she said.

“We had a team of all new staff, and since we've been temporarily closed we've relocated them all so they didn't suffer a loss of earnings too. It’s been a difficult time for everyone and we are ecstatic to be re-opening so soon.”

To prepare for the relaunch the store needed new windows fitted, as well as repairing damaged counters and signage and a major restocking of all its products.

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Karen Eve, centre director at the Bridges added how happy she was to see VapeLocal.com open again.

“Those terrible events had a real impact on businesses in the city so we are so glad that VapeLocal has been able to do all the repair work in such a relatively short space of time and they can now welcome customers again,” she said.

“Their store looks fantastic and we are very glad to be able to welcome them properly into the Bridges.”