Durham's Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen has welcomed the publication of a national report on the effectiveness of police forces in tackling nuisance behaviour.

The PEEL spotlight report said many forces now recognised that anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a priority for their communities and were working hard to implement a problem-solving approach to tackle the problem.

However, it also found several areas where improvement was needed, including how forces identify and record ASB and how they identify and protect vulnerable people.

The report, published this month by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, also said too many forces still do not understand the prevalence of the issue.

Commissioner Allen said: "I welcome the publication of this national report and the detailed recommendations it makes for improvement.

"ASB has a devasting impact on its victims and any inconsistencies in performance around the country must be addressed at the earliest opportunity and weight given to the huge emotional and psychological toll this offending brings." 

The PCC appointed the first-ever ASB Victims' Champion who brought together the two Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) in County Durham and Darlington to create a unified ASB Strategy based on eight key principles which prioritise and strengthen the victim's voice.

The Victims' Champion has worked closely with victims to evaluate and learn from their experiences throughout the justice journey to ensure agencies take a more joined-up approach.

Durham Constabulary was also chosen as one of 16 ‘trailblazer' forces to pilot the national ‘hotspot policing' and Immediate Justice programmes, putting the force in a strong position to understand the unique challenges and demands brought by ASB across 34 key locations. 

Latest figures for the three months up to June 2024 show 5,254 hours and 18 minutes of ‘hotspot' patrols were undertaken.

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These resulted in 53 arrests, 32 stop and searches, 64 informal warnings, six Community Protection Notices, nine Community Protection Warnings, one dispersal notice, 42 enforcement actions and 42 enforcement actions.

Overall, ASB incidents have seen an 11 per cent decrease across the force area

The latest Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) ranked Durham Constabulary as second out of 42 forces nationally against the criteria and said: "The police understand community issues."