A paranoid man set fire to the toilets of a Sainsbury’s store when he barged his way in, claiming he was being followed during booze and cocaine bender.

Gavin Speck entered the shop in an agitated state before locking himself inside the staffroom toilets and starting a fire when police arrived on the scene.

The 34-year-old arsonist was found to be in possession of cocaine when the officers forced the door and arrested him.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the arson took place just two days after he was arrested for breaking into his partner’s home and creeping around her bedroom.

Victoria Lamballe, prosecuting, said: “The defendant had set something on fire, thick black smoke was emanating from the toilet cubicle.

“The police forced the door and inside they found the defendant covered in soot and when he was searched a small amount of cocaine was found in his pocket.”

The court heard how the Eston store was forced to close for two days and damage caused was estimated to have cost the company £31,396.42.

Dealing with the criminal damage charge, Miss Lamballe said the defendant had smashed a window to gain entry to his partner’s home before launching a tirade of abuse towards her and then fleeing.

The court heard how Speck was subject to a suspended prison sentence at the time of his offending.

Gavin SpeckGavin Speck (Image: Cleveland Police)

Speck, of Margaret Street, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to criminal damage, arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered, possession of cocaine and failing to surrender to bail.

Kelleigh Lodge, mitigating, said her client was in the grip of a mental health crisis, fuelled by drink and drug abuse, at the times of the offences in June last year and was fully expecting a custodial sentence.

She added: “He is genuinely sorry for the offending that has taken place and does appear to have started the rehabilitation process himself."

Sainsbury's in EstonSainsbury's in Eston (Image: Google)

Judge Richard Bennett sentenced Speck to a total of three years and seven months after he activated part of his previous suspended sentence.

He said: “At the time you committed the offences you had, in your own words, been on a bender which had lasted several days with you taking cocaine and drinking heavily.

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“As a result of this, on the morning of the offence, you were paranoid and believing that others were looking to do you harm and were closing in around you.

“You believed that the manager of Sainsbury’s was in league with other individuals who were trying to attack you.

“You said you started the fire as an act of desperation because at the time you believed people were trying to kill you.”

Speck was also made subject to a ten-year restraining order to protect his former partner.