Jeremy Clarkson revealed what he would miss most about James May and Richard Hammond.

The trio went their separate ways professionally earlier this month with the culmination of Prime Video's The Grand Tour.

Speaking at an event at the 64-year-old's Oxfordshire pub The Farmer's Dog with the episode shown, he revealed what he will miss most about his co-stars.

Mr Clarkson said: "What will I miss most about Hammond and May?

“Honestly I could make some facetious remark about how we don’t like each other but the truth of the matter is we do.

“Hammond has got one of the sharpest wits of anyone you’d ever meet. He’s an unbelievably funny guy, he really is.

“James knows how steam engines work.

“James is a remarkable character because he sort of never really got what The Grand Tour or Top Gear was about and yet he fitted in incredibly well.“He was a great person to work with and god we’ve had some laughs.

“I mean proper laughs mainly at Hammond’s expense but also with Hammond.

“He’s a properly funny that guy, he really is.”