A County Durham town celebrated its community spirit with a presentation evening.

The event, held at The Masonic Hall in Ferryhill, recognised winners of the Ferryhill in Bloom Competition, Civic Award nominations, and the Annual Art & Photography Exhibition.

It also paid tribute to retiring councillors.

Mayor Councillor Carole Atkinson presented awards, certificates, and prizes to about 80 attendees, including residents, councillors, and town council staff.

The evening culminated in a special award to Stephenie Bowron for her commitment to Ferryhill.

Councillor Carole Atkinson presenting Stephenie Bowron with the Mayor’s Special Award at Ferryhill Town Council’s Annual Presentation Evening 2024Councillor Carole Atkinson presenting Stephenie Bowron with the Mayor’s Special Award at Ferryhill Town Council’s Annual Presentation Evening 2024 (Image: FERRYHILL TOWN COUNCIL)

A raffle raised £164 for the Mayor’s charities, Ferryhill Scouts and Ferryhill Miner’s Utd FC.

The town council thanked Windlestone Nurseries for sponsoring the bloom competition and providing gift vouchers for the winners.

The team at The Masonic Hall were also acknowledged for providing the venue and a buffet.

The presentation evening, held on Thursday, September 26, was a celebration of dedication and community involvement.

Winners of the competitions and retiring Councillors being presented were as follows:

Civic Awards – For Outstanding Services to the Community

Danny Metcalfe; Gavin Batty; Karen Tomkinson; Keith Lumsdon; Paula Bihari.

Art & Photography Exhibition

Winner of Best Artwork – Christine Bowmer with ‘Tranquility’;

Winner of Best Photograph – Eddie Serrell with ‘The Boys are Back in Town’;

Best Children’s Artwork (Joint Award) – Carson Turner & Amelie Turner with ‘Manfred Mantis’ & ‘Meowscream’.

Ferryhill in Bloom

Front Garden   

Commended – Elizabeth Large; Barry Mitchinson; Mick Mundell; Jean Hardy.

Highly Commended – Gordon Harris; Susan Todd; Maureen Vincent.

3rd Place – Patricia Kavanagh.

2nd Place – Paul Slater.

1ST Place – Rita Hewitt.

Back Garden   

Commended – Jean Hardy; Mr & Mrs Langthorne; Mick Mundell.

Highly Commended - Paul Slater; Karen Dowling; Mrs Vivien Auton; Gordon Harris.

3rd Place – Jason Williams.

2nd Place – Rita Hewitt.

1st Place – Susan Osment.

 Back Yard  

Highly Commended – Elizabeth Large.

3rd Place – Sally Pattinson.

2nd Place – Danuta Rykowska.

1st Place – Joanna Orlowska.

Commercial Premises   

1st Place - The Garth

Allotment Competition

Best Plots

Storehouse Allotments - Mr Bell; East End Allotments – Stan Auton; Paxton Street Allotments – Alistair & Graham Pybus; Mainsforth Row Allotments – Mr & Mrs Bullock.

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Most Improved Plots

Storehouse Allotments – Darren Hume; East End Allotments – Hannah Lindsay; Paxton Street Allotments – Mr Graham; Mainsforth Row Allotments – Mr Dickinson.

Best Overall Allotment Plot

Alistair & Graham Pybus.

Best Overall Allotment Site

Mainsforth Row Allotments.

Retiring Councillors

Stephen Bowron.