A NORTH EAST housing association is again in the running to become UK Employer of the Year in a national awards scheme.

North Star Housing has been shortlisted for two awards in The Investors in People Awards 2024, held at Old Billingsgate, in London, on November 13.

As well as being a finalist for UK Employer of the Year for ‘platinum’ standard companies with between 50 and 249 employees, North Star is also shortlisted for the Best Culture award.

Chief Executive James Walder said: “To be shortlisted for not just one but two major honours in such a prestigious national awards scheme is testament to the importance placed by North Star on being fair, caring and progressive employer.

“An organisation is only as good as its people, and being shortlisted nationally is also recognition of the dedication our staff show every day in creating a culture where everyone wants to play their part in making a difference to the lives of others.”

Last November, it was announced by Investors in People (IiP) that North Star had retained its coveted top-level platinum status as an organisation with an outstanding commitment to tenants, staff, and the community.

IiP, the national benchmarking organisation for people management and leadership, issued an assessment report in which North Star was described as “a high-performing organisation, supported by a culture and processes that have people at their heart”.

The report added: “Culturally, there are very high levels of trust, strong relationships and a common cause that brings people together.”

North Star was praised for investing significantly in leaders, managers, and board members to sustain its successful culture.

The association was also described as understanding its role in the wider community and society, demonstrating its responsibilities to stakeholders, and working closely with universities, local authorities, and other housing associations to maximise its impact.

The organisation had also taken “innovative and highly pragmatic approaches” to tackling issues such as board diversity and supporting staff through the cost-of-living crisis.

North Star has a proud record with Investors in People. Back in 2017, it became the first housing association in England to achieve platinum status, which is awarded to only 0.5 per cent of companies in the UK.

In 2021, North Star was named Investors in People UK Platinum Employer of the Year for organisations employing between 50 and 249 people, with particular praise for its working during the pandemic.