An England Rugby coach has landed himself in court after punching a man to the ground during a night out and knocking out one of his teeth.

Richard Young attacked the victim inside a bar after saying ‘who the f*** do you think you are?’ before other people joined in the assault, a judge heard.

The 36-year-old repeatedly punched the man when he was on the ground before someone else kicked him while they were inside the Blue Lounge in Redcar.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Young had been suspended from his role an England Rugby coach developer as a result of his conviction after working for them for 16 years.

Paul Abrahams, prosecuting, said the attack resulted in the victim losing a tooth and being left with a dental bill in excess of £4,600.

He said the pair clashed inside the bar seconds before the first punch was thrown after saying ‘who the f*** do you think you are?’.

“The complainant lost his balance and fell into a table and was further assaulted by the defendant,” he said.

“The complainant says that another male, unknown to him, joined in the assault. There is at least two or three people who could be involved in the incident.

“He said he also felt like he had been stamped while he was on the floor.”

The violence was caught on the bar’s CCTV footage which was shown to the judge.

The Blue Lounge in RedcarThe Blue Lounge in Redcar (Image: Google)

Young, of Conway Road, Redcar, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm following the assault on August 28 last year.

Robert Mochrie, mitigating said the father-of-two had been suspended from his job as a result of his conviction and had worked for them for 16 years.

“He doesn’t know whether he will be able to continue (in his role) as his job involves coaching young people and there will need to be a risk assessment carried out,” he said.

“He is subject to disciplinary proceedings at present.”

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There was an element of self-defence because he didn’t react for no reason following ‘verbals’ outside the bar before they went inside where the violence was ‘short-lived’.

Recorder Mark McKone KC sentenced the rugby coach to six months in custody suspended for two years and ordered him to pay £4,639 in compensation to the victim.

He said: “The victim suffered relatively minor injuries but the serious aspect of this was that he lost a tooth which had to be replaced.

“It must have been painful, distressing and expensive.”