Residents in Horden have been celebrating the announcement of millions of pounds of funding to regenerate the old mining town.

The North East Mayor and the North East Combined Authority have approved a massive £4.5m investment into refurbishing problem areas like the "Numbered Avenues".

Frank Leadbitter, 81, has described how "it feels like someone is finally listening" and praised Kim McGuinness for caring about his community.

Local MP Grahame Morris described his hopes for "meaningful" change in Horden.

The plans will see a range of new houses and bungalows being built with others refurbished, as well as improved walking and cycling routes to Peterlee town centre, Horden train station and the Durham Heritage Coast.

Mr Leadbitter said: "It's fantastic. It means so much for the town.

"It's great to take the first step in improving the area. If they build affordable homes and some houses for people that will really help.

"It's really exciting. I have known about it for a while. When Kim McGuinness was here she mentioned looking at the project.

"I think she is a very caring person and she knows that Horden is one of the most deprived areas in the whole country.

"I think she's taken that information in and now she's trying to do her best for us.

"It's just great that someone is finally listening to what we have been saying.

"It's just fantastic."

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness said: "Our investment in Horden is a downpayment on my ambitions for housing in the North East.

"We will go from brownfield to beautiful, build genuinely affordable homes for local people and create thriving and vibrant places local people will be proud of.

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"As Mayor, I will not sit back and let villages and towns be overlooked, and let land sit idle, while waiting lists are getting longer and families are locked out of the housing they need.

"This captures the powerful role we can play breathing new life into places crying out for investment – creating prosperity and opportunity for people across the North East."

Grahame Morris MP said: "The Mayor has made housing a key priority, and I am delighted to support this crucial regeneration investment for Horden. After many promises, it is time to bring real change the community can feel and see.

"This investment is an opportunity to transform and revitalise the village. I look forward to seeing these plans take shape, delivering the meaningful change Horden has long awaited."