Here are seven offenders who were sentenced at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ courts in the last week.

Their offences include assault, criminal damage, harassment and drug possession.

Gaynor Sheardown, of Swan Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty to two charges of assault and one charge of criminal damage caused on March 31 this year. The 34-year-old was made subject of a community order until April next year and ordered to carry out ten rehabilitation activity requirement days. She was also ordered to pay £120 in compensation.

Adam Jackson, of Wood View, Croxdale, County Durham, pleaded guilty to breaching a non-molestation order on July 21 in Durham. The 33-year-old was ordered to pay £50 compensation, fined £120 and told to pay £85 in court costs.

Cameron Hopper, of Maple Place, Ushaw Moor, County Durham, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour towards another man on June 7 this year. The 23-year-old was fined £120 and ordered to pay £133 in court costs.

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Ben Crich, of Beech Park, Brandon, Durham, pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage when he smashed a door at a property in Durham on October 1 last year. The 19-year-old was ordered to pay £120 in compensation and made subject of a 12-month conditional discharge.

Dominic Clarke, of Durham Road, Spennymoor, pleaded guilty to two charges of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of obstructing a police officer when he was arrested on June 8 in Spennymoor. The 28-year-old was made subject to a 12-month community order and ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation and £199 towards court costs.

John Fitzgerald, of no fixed abode but formerly Bishop Auckland, pleaded guilty to causing harassment - putting in fear of violence, and obstruct a police officer in his duties when he was arrested on June 20 this year. The 38-year-old was sentenced to 12-weeks in prison suspended for 12 months and ordered to attend 15 days rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Michaela McCabe, of Redwood, Seaham, County Durham and formerly of Stockton, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine in Hartlepool on February 9 this year, causing £400 of criminal damage on January 18 this year and failing to surrender to court bail on February 2d. The 28-year-old was ordered to pay £400 in compensation and fined £120.