Police have praised the victims of a predatory paedophile after they helped to bring about his conviction and imprisonment.

Thomas Reay, who was jailed at Durham Crown Court this week, systematically abused his two young victims, subjecting them to multiple rapes and sexual assaults.

The court was told he probably thought his “evil secret” would remain just that.

But the 66-year-old was arrested by officers after his victims found the courage to report the offending to a loved one in May this year.

(Image: Northumbria Police) An investigation was launched by Northumbria Police’s Safeguarding Department and Reay was subsequently charged with a string of offences.

He was remanded in custody and when his case came to court for a plea hearing, in July, he admitted 16 offences, including several for rape and attempted rape.

Reay, of Hesleyside Drive, Fenham, Newcastle, appeared at court in Durham for the sentencing hearing on Tuesday (September 24).

Imposing a 25-year custodial sentence, with a one-year added licence period, the judge, Recorder Nicholas Lumley KC, told Reay: “You inflicted severe psychological harm, detained your victims against their will and engaged in a campaign of sexual abuse.”

(Image: Northumbria Police) Following the hearing, the lead investigator, Detective Constable Paul Armstrong, of Northumbria Police, said: “Reay subjected the victims in this case to horrific ordeals over the course of a number of years, and I am pleased the courts have seen fit to hand him a very lengthy custodial sentence.

“Reay is a vile predator who stripped his victims of their childhood innocence through repeated abuse.

“I would like to praise the victims for their incredible bravery and courage to come forward because, if they had not taken that first step of telling a loved one what had happened, Reay might not be behind bars today.

“No sentence will ever detract from the trauma they suffered, but I hope this lengthy sentence can provide some degree of closure which will allow them to move forward with their lives.

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“Protecting the vulnerable and ensuring the most serious offenders like Reay are brought to justice are our top priorities as a force.”

Det Con Armstrong added: “I would urge anyone who has been a victim, or wants to share information about an offender, to get in touch.

“We will support you and we will believe you.”