Durham County Council has approved initial plans to replace a telecommunications mast in Chester-le-Street.

The new 20.5m mast will be installed at Station Road, replacing the existing 20m structure.

It will be equipped with six antennas, two 0.3m dishes, three equipment cabinets, and other necessary equipment.

The mast will be painted Reed Green to minimise its visual impact.

The approval is conditional, requiring the developer to start work within three years and notify the council before beginning the project.

The applicant, Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited, confirmed the new equipment would comply with the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection public exposure guidelines.

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The application notes that a pre-application submission was made to Durham County Council for comments, but no feedback was received before the formal application.

Neighbours were not consulted, but a 'Supplementary Information Template' was provided as part of the best practice for mobile phone network development.

The developer has confirmed that the trees will not be affected by the construction.

The new mast is deemed necessary to meet the increasing demand for telecommunication services and to prepare the site for the 5G network.

The application aligns with national and local planning policies, including the National Planning Policy Framework sections related to promoting telecommunications infrastructure and sustainable design.

The design of the monopole was considered suitable for the area, with minimal impact on the visual landscape.

No objections or comments were received from the public during the consultation period.

Internal responses, such as from landscape and arborist teams, noted no significant issues, except for the recommendation to use a muted colour.

The new mast is expected to enhance telecommunication services in the area, ensuring better connectivity for residents and businesses.

The project is part of a broader effort to modernise and expand the telecommunications infrastructure in the region.