A woman who had a cardiac arrest while working at Metrocentre has said she is 'eternally grateful' after a heart transplant allowed her to continue the life she loves.

Alex Workman, 39, from Ryton, faced a severe health incident at work but is now promoting the significance of organ donation after her life was saved by a generous donor.

Born with transposition of the great vessels and a congenital heart defect, she underwent her first open-heart surgery when she was just nine months old.

Despite this significant condition, Alex chose to live a full life without allowing her condition to limit her.

As her twenties kicked in, she began experiencing frequent heart palpitations that led her to multiple trips to A&E.

She was fitted with a pacemaker shortly after taking up her role at Metrocentre in 2016.

But, in May 2017, Alex suffered a cardiac arrest while at work. Her colleagues, acting promptly, saved her life using CPR and the shopping centre's defibrillators.

(Image: Metrocentre)

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However, she had another heart arrest later, including a stroke, which pushed the doctors to consider a heart transplant for her.

Hospitalised for 11 weeks and relearning how to walk, Alex resumed her active life with an internal defibrillator's help.

A recurring serious illness during a Glasgow trip in February 2023 forced her back to Newcastle, where doctors concluded that she was in heart failure and needed a transplant.

Initial hesitation gave way to acceptance of the transplant being vital for resuming the life she loved.

She was officially listed for transplant in March 2023 and received her new heart just 11 days later.

She spent four weeks in recovery before returning to work six months post-discharge to her job at Metrocentre.

Despite her struggles, Alex says she has never felt better.

She said: "It’s amazing how you can get used to feeling unwell and accept that as normal.

"I owe so much to my donors—they have allowed me to continue with a life that I love, and I will be eternally grateful."

On the importance of spreading the word about organ donation, Alex said: "Organ donation saves lives, and it’s important to share your wishes with your family, as that conversation could give someone else the gift of life."

If you are interested in signing up to the Organ Donor Register or want to find out more visit https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk.