PERMISSION has been requested to undertake an investigation to create a Level 2-3 Historic Building Recording (HBR) of the Grade II Listed Bridge House Hotel, Catterick Bridge.

The HBR is required as part of the planning condition 7 associated with the approved planning and listed building consent applications by North Yorkshire Council.

No works can commence until a schedule of building recording and analysis, the making of a detailed record, a watching brief during the works affecting the historic fabric, have been undertaken by a person or body approved by the planning authority.

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The approved permissions are for refurbishment of the existing buildings to residential apartments.

Part of the approved works include the demolition of the first floor bridge, kitchen block, single storey lean-to, garage and metal staircase at the hotel.

The now Grade II Listed Bridge House Hotel was constructed as a coaching inn in the 17th century. In 2014, a fire damaged much of the 17th century element of the building.