Work to transform a former Methodist chapel into affordable housing in the Yorkshire Dales has been completed.

The Upper Dales Community Land Trust (UDCLT), which is entirely run by volunteers, has succeeded in creating two affordable 2-bedroom flats in the near derelict former chapel in Bainbridge.

The building was bought by the trust in 2022 and it's chosen partner North Star, a North East based housing association, has taken out a long lease on the historic building and will manage the new homes.

The renovation took nine months to complete and as much as possible of the former role of the building has been retained. For example, the church pews have been kept as hallway seating.

(Image: UDCLT) This has been the first completed affordable housing project for the small group of dedicated UDCLT volunteers led by Chair Stephen Stubbs. 

Back in 2017, Stephen set up the community land trust when it became clear that there was very little affordable housing stock for young families in the remote Upper Dales.

They strongly believe that the provision of affordable homes is key to keeping communities in the deeply rural areas of the Yorkshire Dales alive.  

Stephen is absolutely delighted by their achievement, he said: “It is brilliant news that our newly created affordable homes have now been allocated to local people from the Bainbridge community in Upper Wensleydale.

"It’s been a challenging journey for the UDCLT at times, and we’ve all learnt a huge amount along the way.

"This completed project proves we can make a difference to the affordable housing picture in this region and we want to continue to build on this success - we’ve got some exciting projects in the pipeline."

(Image: UDCLT) Sarah Fawcett, Head of Development at North Star, acknowledged that the Bainbridge Chapel project has been complex but rewarding: "Working with the UDCLT on this project has brought two organisations together with similar ethos and aims.

"By securing grant support from Homes England and investing our own resources in conjunction with those secured by the UDCLT from the former Richmondshire District Council, this expensive but high quality development has now been completed.

"We hope that our tenants will be happy in their new homes for many years to come."

Local builders Randall Orchard have carried out the building works on the chapel.

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Graeme Newton, the managing director, said: "We were delighted to have been involved with the UDCLT and North Star Housing in the delivery of two affordable units in the heart of Wensleydale.

"The conversion of the old chapel had its challenges, but all the parties worked really well together to complete the works and leave a nicely completed project for local people.

"We sincerely hope that further developments in the national park come forward and that we can play our part in delivering more affordable housing in the future."