The Environment Agency have warned people to stay away from a dead whale that has washed up on a North East beach.

The first sightings of the large creature were two days ago in Hartlepool (September 22).

Locals have been very concerned by the sight and have been shocked that, despite calling various agencies, the whale is still on the beach this morning.

An eyewitness described how the smell coming from the animal, believed to be a Minke whale, is becoming pungent.

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Here are some pictures of the whale:

(Image: Johnn Jevans) (Image: Johnn Jevans)Don’t miss out on the latest news and stories. Subscribe to the Northern Echo for just £1 for one month by clicking here

One local, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "It's belly is getting bigger and bigger, it looks ready to pop."

The Environment Agency have said that dead or stranded whales should be reported to the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) by calling their hotline on 0800 652 0333.

They recommend that the animal is not touched.