A shoplifter with an unknown female “assistant” committed a distraction-type theft from a supermarket just to steal four packs of butter, worth a total of £12.

Lewis Donnelly and his accomplice entered the Sainsbury’s Local premises in Gilesgate, Durham, at 8.30am on June 1 this year.

While the women created a distraction for members of the shop staff, Donnelly picked up four packets of Lurpak butter and walked out without offering any payment.

Elisha Marsay, prosecuting, said the theft was captured on in-store CCTV and Donnelly was recognised by a local police officer.

(Image: The Northern Echo)It led to his arrest and, when interviewed, he told police he had no means to pay for the butter, but he said he sold the stolen packs for money to buy alcohol.

Donnelly, 23, previously of of Station Road, Lanchester, admitted the theft when he appeared before magistrates on June 27 and the case was committed for sentence to the crown court, on August 2, when he failed to appear and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.

(Image: Google Street View)

But, Miss Marsay said, while at large, staying with a relative in the South Shields area, Donnelly became involved in an incident in which he assaulted two police officers who had gone to his aid, when he appeared to be having medical difficulties, in Ocean Road, in the town, on August 9.

As officers were performing CPR on him as he was in the recovery position, a large group of onlookers gathered around.

Miss Marsay said another officer attended to manage the crowd at the scene, as Donnelly began becoming abusive and had to be restrained on the ground.

When an ambulance arrived, Donnelly got to his feet, but appeared unsteady, then he tried to head-butt one of the officers, but he failed to make contact.

He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly, but he was abusive to paramedics arriving at the scene, but he was then taken to the police vehicle where he became increasingly difficult to manage, refusing to walk or get into the back of the van.

Miss Marsay said while being escorted onto the van Donnelly nipped one of the officers, causing a minor injury, and also kicked out, making contact with the officer’s knee.

Donnelly admitted two counts of assaulting an emergency worker arising from that incident and came before the court, via video link from HMP Hull, where he has been on remand, for sentence for all the offences.

Miss Marsay said the defendant’s guilty pleas meant he was in breach of a community order, including a nine-month alcohol treatment programme, imposed in late March for an affray on Christmas Eve.

(Image: The Northern Echo)

Vic Laffey, in mitigation, said the defendant had not, “troubled the courts”, prior to January last year.

“Since then, over a relatively short time, until August this year, he’s appeared for seven matters.

“He acknowledges that while suffering psychosis, anxiety and ADHD, what he exacerbated matters has been his severe alcohol problems, impacting on his behaviour.

“He failed to attend court over these proceedings and managed to find himself in a situation where he was remanded in custody by South Tyneside magistrates on August 12.

“While in custody it has had an enforced detox and, during those last five to six weeks, he has been working with the Dart (drug and alcohol recovery team) team in prison and managed to get himself ‘clean’ and feeling better than he has felt for as long a time as he can remember.

“While obviously not drinking his mental health has improved along with his physical health and he is determined to get himself back to the situation he was in prior to January, 2023.”

Mr Laffey said the defendant would stay with a cousin in South Shields if released and attend an appointment with a drug and alcohol team in the town.

“Having spent the last five or so weeks in custody, the incentive of a suspended sentence order would help him to keep him out of prison.

“He has no intention of repeating what he has through these last five weeks and he wants to regain his liberty and go to see the alcohol recovery team," added Mr Laffey.

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Judge Nathan Adams told Donnelly he gave him a chance by giving him an alcohol treatment order when he appeared before him for the serious affray, in March, but he failed to even get started on that programme.

Imposing a 15-week prison sentence, Judge Adams told the defendant that leaves him with a few more weeks to serve behind bars.

He advised Donnelly to then engage with the services available to him when he is released under post-sentence supervision if he is remain "clean".