Pleas from local politicians of all parties have added to growing pressure on the Labour Government to reverse controversial plans to cut winter fuel allowance.

Cross-party councillors in County Durham and Darlington have staged protests against the decision, meaning millions of pensioners across the UK will not receive the payments – worth up to £300 – this winter.

People not in receipt of Pension Credit or other means-tested benefits will lose out under the Government’s changes to winter fuel payments.

More than 100,000 pensioners across the two regions are thought to be affected by the changes. 

Both councils will consider requests from dismayed members later this week, urging the Chancellor Rachel Reeves to rethink her decision.(Image: Cllr Mark Wilkes)

Liberal Democrat councillor Mark Wilkes, who submitted the Durham motion, said: “We need a concerted effort to get this decision reversed. We are not going to give in.

“People’s lives depend on it. Our NHS depends on it. Labour and our Labour MPs should be ashamed of what they are doing. No one voted for this and they know there are alternatives to balancing country’s finances.”

The motion tabled ahead of Durham’s full council meeting on Wednesday will also ask the council to commence a significant awareness campaign to help get pensioners signed up for pension credit. 

Cllr Wilkes added: “The Labour Party itself suggested a few years ago that means testing the Winter Fuel allowance would cause nearly 4,000 deaths. These figures are truly horrendous.”

The Liberal Democrats’ coalition colleagues, the County Durham Conservative group, also support the plea. 

ClIr Luke Allan Holmes, Tory member for Spenymoor, said: “By removing the Winter Fuel Allowance, Labour is forcing pensioners to choose between heating and eating. it's clear that they're focused on lining the pockets of their trade union, public sector paymasters, rather than standing up for the hardworking British taxpayers. 

“We urge all pensioners to attend the meeting, hold Labour to account, and ensure that Durham County Council stands up for its residents and demands a reversal of these disastrous cuts.”

Meanwhile, Labour councillors have called on the government to reverse its decision to withdraw the winter fuel payment from non-pension credit pensioners “pending the outcome of an options appraisal and a comprehensive equalities and impact assessment.”

In Darlington, Conservative party leader Jonathan Dulston warned the cut could lead to more vulnerable people asking the council for support. 

“This heartless decision just shows clearly where Keir Starmer and his Labour Government have fixed their priorities, and it is not with the pensioners who live here in Darlington,” he said. 

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“Despite knowing older people will be struggling to pay to heat their homes this winter – their own report said so – Labour MPs still decided to take this money away from pensioners.”

Darlington councillors will consider the opposition party’s similar motion at a full council meeting on Thursday evening. 

The Government has said the move is necessary to help fill a “£22 billion black hole” in the public finances inherited from the Tory government.