A Middlesbrough resident has been left furious over persistent flytipping in the back alley behind her house.

Former lollipop person Dorothy Jones, 73, who lives with her husband John Jones, 77, in Roman Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, says the alleyway is repeatedly clogged with piles of rubbish dumped by people who just “don’t care”.

Mrs Jones says her husband first raised concerns with a local councillor in 2018 when the same problem kept happening, and “not long after that it did get sorted,” but it’s now once again a recurring issue.

A picture from the alleyway, which is on the border of the Linthorpe and Park ward boundaries, shows dozens of black bin bags which retired Mrs. Jones says is the most recent load to be dumped.

She said: “It’s just waiting to be taken away by the likes of us”. She believes that more will appear all over again once it’s been cleared.

The retiree, who has six grandchildren, described the irresponsible perpetrators as a “waste of space”.

A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said: “Fly-tipping is a selfish blight on our town and we encourage anyone who sees a fly-tip to report it to us. Those found to be dumping rubbish can be left seriously out of pocket or facing a criminal record in front of the courts.”

Anyone with information on fly-tipping can email the team on evidence@middlesbrough.gov.uk or call the Contact Centre on 01642 726001. Fly-tipping, anti-social behaviour and many other offences can also be reported online at https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/report