A serial shoplifter who threatened a security guard with a large meat cleaver has been locked up for a catalogue of offences.

Aaron Harvey pulled out the terrifying weapon when he was confronted by the shop worker before threatening to ‘slash’ him up.

The 33-year-old thief was stealing high value washing products to fund his longstanding drug habit, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The judge heard how there was a price on Harvey’s head as he was a witness in an attempted murder investigation where his cousin suffered a significant injury.

Sam Faulks, prosecuting, said the defendant was making his way out a B&M store with the goods hidden inside his jacket when he was approached by the security guard in May this year.

“The defendant said to the security guard – ‘you’re getting your stuff back you scruffy d***head, I will stab you up,” he said.

“The staff member tried to stop him, the defendant stepped back and drew from his waistband a rather large meat cleaver and said – ‘I will slash you up and I will fight anyone’ before walking away.”

The court heard how Harvey had pleaded guilty to a number of shoplifting offences from April and May as well as further offences in August when he stole £366 worth of products from a Sainsbury’s store over a three-day period.

Mr Faulks said the defendant was caught carrying a craft knife blade on several occasions, including in July when police arrested him when they were carrying out a welfare check on his cousin.

Aaron HarveyAaron Harvey (Image: Cleveland Police)

Harvey, of Grasby Close, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to shoplifting offences, possession of a bladed article and threatening behaviour with the meat cleaver.

Simon Walker, mitigating, said his client had a £10,000 price on his head and had been attacked twice while on remand in prison which had helped drive his most recent criminality as he was effectively homeless.

“The police were carrying out a welfare check on his cousin who was the victim of a shooting and he was present. His cousin was shot in the head and blinded permanently and lives out of the area,” he said.

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“Mr Harvey is a potential witness in an attempted murder. Since then, he has learned there is a contract on his head to the tune of £10,000.”

Judge Chris Smith sentenced Harvey to a total of 31 months for all offences.

“Shoplifting in a real nuisance and it costs us all because prices have to go up,” he said. “Not just the goods that are stolen but the cost of the security needed to try and put a stop to this.

“But the knives are the real worrying feature, you have previous convictions for weapons, an axe in the past. This is a really good illustration about why the courts and public are worried about people having knives in public when they shouldn’t.”