County Durham and Darlington residents have been asked to share the pressing issues impacting public safety.

From anti-social behaviour and drug use to dangerous driving and off-road bikes, people are encouraged to respond to a new survey from the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).  

PCC Joy Allen is set to publish her Police and Crime Plan 2024-29 later this year, which sets out her priorities for tackling and responding to crime in the coming years. 

"Our aim is to speak to residents from all walks of life and backgrounds so that we understand clearly how crime impacts our different communities,” said PCC Allen. 

"I cannot over-emphasise how seriously we value the public's feedback. My Police and Crime Plan is the public's Police and Crime Plan. 

“The issues that are important to residents are important to me and these views will be studied carefully, alongside detailed crime data and letters and emails to my office from residents, to ensure my future work is relevant to the lives of those who live and work here and will make a tangible difference.

However, the former Labour councillor has long been critical of the funding that Durham Constabulary receives. The amount of money it receives from the government compared to the intense demand pressures is not enough, she says. 

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PCC Allen added: “Regrettably, we do not have an endless pot of money, and every single penny is precious. 

“My Plan will dictate where our finite resources will be directed, so please come along to one of our events and make your voice count - you will play a key role in making our communities safer, stronger, and more resilient to crime." 

The PCC’s survey can be completed here.