A man who threatened a woman at knifepoint has been jailed after his electronic GPS tag put him in the location at the time of the offence.

William Mee approached the woman as she was putting her shopping in the boot of her vehicle in the car park at Morrisons, on North Road, Darlington.

The 33-year-old produced a knife and held onto the car door to prevent the victim from closing it, before repeatedly demanding the car keys from her.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the victim shouted for help resulting in would-be robber fleeing the scene empty-handed.

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Philip Morley, prosecuting, said officers carried out an area search for the suspect but were unable to locate him at the time.

The court heard how Mee was picked up on CCTV leaving the store and his electronic GPS tag traced him and it placed him at the location at the time of the offence.

William MeeWilliam Mee (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Mee, of Cricket Field Row, Darlington, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and possession of a knife following the incident on December 19.

Recorder Dafydd Enoch sentenced Mee to six years in custody, with an additional three years on extended licence.