A four-year-old girl from County Durham who underwent a heart transplant recently became a firefighter for a day.

Beatrix Adamson-Archbold from Burnopfield, was invited to Durham Fire Station by County Durham and Darlington crews to mark Organ Donation Week (September 23–29).

She had a heart transplant in June 2023 after being diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition that left her with an enlarged heart and spent 14 months at the Freeman Hospital, kept alive by a Berlin Heart machine, while waiting on the urgent transplant list.

Her day at the fire station was a dream come true as Beatrix loves everything about the fire service.

Dressed in her own fire kit, she drove around in fire engines, squirted hoses, and even went up in the sky on the Arial Ladder Platform (ALP).

(Image: CDDFRS)

Sergeant Terry, of Durham Constabulary, said: "The visit to Durham Fire Station was awesome.

"It was a really special day. The crew made a right fuss of her; they were absolutely brilliant.

"She even went up on the ALP and wasn’t fazed at all. She was just waving down at the crew.

"She loved the day and we can’t thank them enough."

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The crew on Durham Red Watch and crew manager, Mark Bryden, were delighted to meet Beatrix and her family.

(Image: CDDFRS)

Mr Bryden said: "After hearing Beatrix’s story and her love of the fire service, we wanted to invite her down to the station and give her the chance to experience being a firefighter for the day.

"We all had a great time showing her around the station and giving her a chance to experience different aspects of the job.

"She has shown immense courage during her health battle and her story highlights the life-saving impact organ donation can have."

Beatrix's father, Terry, 46, said: "In the midst of losing their own child, a brave family had agreed to organ donation.

"Their selfless decision saved Beatrix’s life and the lives of several other children.

"Beatrix has been so lucky as there are so many kids waiting for a life-saving transplant."