A mental health nurse who possessed indecent photos of children has been struck off after being convicted in court.

Scott Macleod, who worked at the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS mental health trust, was jailed for two years, has been suspended for 24 months, after being found with the photographs.

He was arrested in February 2022 and an indecent image was found on his computer hard drive.

He was placed on leave by the trust, where he had worked, later that month and was later charged.

In June 2023 he admitted three counts of making an indecent photograph/pseudo-photograph of a child when he appeared before Magistrates in York.

He was later sentenced to 24 months in jail, suspended for two years, and handed a sexual harm prevention order.

A nursing misconduct hearing earlier this month said his conviction was “extremely serious” and would “gravely undermine public confidence in the nursing profession” if he was allowed to continue working.

A panel, chaired by Rachel Forster, said Macleod’s fitness to practice was impaired.

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It said he had demonstrated remorse since.

He was struck off the nursing register with immediate effect.

A spokesperson for the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust said: “We took immediate action when we were made aware of the police investigation into Mr Macleod. He is no longer employed by our Trust.”