There are fears that strict new rules on parking around Newcastle International Airport could cause problems in nearby towns and villages.

Residents in Ponteland, Prestwick and Woolsington are concerned that banning drivers from pulling up on roads in the area will simply see motorists fill up residential streets in a bid to avoid parking charges.

Routes around the airport are set to become a “red route,” where vehicles are prohibited from stopping or parking.

Newcastle City Council bosses unveiled plans for a clampdown on on-street parking near the airport in August. It follows “illegal, inconsiderate and dangerous” behaviour by drivers parking their cars on roads and grass verges while they wait to pick people up from the airport, rather than paying to use one of the airport’s official car parks.

A report from Newcastle transport officials last month said Northumberland County Council “were consulted as part of this process, and they did not raise any concerns regarding the scheme or displacement onto roads within Northumberland”. However, at Monday’s meeting of Northumberland’s Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee, that was not the case as both officials and councillors voiced their fears.

Highways infrastructure manager Robin McCartney said: “We have passed on our concerns about the impact of the proposals from the airport. The parking will be displaced and there will be a problem in our areas.

“Our major issue is probably going to be Prestwick Road, which is unrestricted and has wide verges. You can see any vehicles being displaced from the airport possibly being drawn to that road.

“Further down it is quite narrow and if there’s inconsiderate parking there we’re going to have road safety issues. We are monitoring that.

“Other areas are the Ponteland Road, where there are problems with cars parking already.”

At the airport itself, the only free parking available is at the Short Stay 2 car park – where drivers can park without charge for only 15 minutes. It costs £4 to park in the Express Pick Up and Drop Off car park located immediately outside the terminal for just 10 minutes, £7 for half an hour, and £11 for an hour.

The airport is working on plans to create a potential new short-stay parking area.

Coun Richard Dodd, who represents the Ponteland North ward, said all parties needed to be brought to the table.

He said: “We need to set up something, probably including Woolsington Parish Council and Newcastle City Council. The whole area is used as a toilet – and this red route will move that on a bit.

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“There’s also a problem on the lay-by on the road up to the airport. There’s going to be one hell of a pile-up there because sometimes cars reverse out onto the dual carriageway or even park on the dual carriageway if they can’t get in.”

It was agreed to arrange a meeting with the airport, local councils and Newcastle City Council to discuss what could be done to mitigate the impact.